I found these feathers on my walk the other day. No doubt they are Turkey vultures. They live in a giant pine tree near a school, where they can be seen playfully swooping and soaring in the summer evenings. They are fantastic to watch. An upclose view of them is not as pleasant.
I am working on this. I need to complete stems ,put afinal wash on the backround and work on the bottom right ... color got away from me.
Can this be saved? My darks,are too dark and the balance is off. Some of my flowers are funny. I guess I am wondering what to do with the center of the big lily. My attempt to shade with ultramarine resulted in an ugly color, not bright or vibrant. Sooo I tried to lift and add mmmmmore aliziren then that became too dark. I really like parts of the picture.. any suggestions?
Well,here goes..... I am not pleased with my submission. The watercolors are muddy and overworked.
1. Exhausted from walking and gardening
2. Not enough time
3. Lastly, and most importantly, I kept putting my brush in the Cabernet! YIKES
Better next time.... great fun,love this!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I really wasn't crazy about the colors Ichose for this painting,but I found a swell frame and now I'm rather pleased. Daylily may be history too much aliziran to try to hide a blue shadow that just muddied the color:o(
I bought a brush this weekend,while visiting the Ann Arbor Art Fair. I LOVE IT! The paint brush is a Artist's WaterColor Sable Windsor Newton . What a difference,I have been using blends and there is just no comparison.
I am still working on transfering images from the camera. I seem to forget the steps.... practice, practice, practice. I have also been dreaming of purchasing a Nikon d4o? I am having a grand time converting my sons bedroom into a studio i will post some of conversion soon. What fun this is... I think i will give the virtual sketch a try.... hooray!
This painting is of an architecural remnant. I love to paint these,but the subject matter is difficult to find... any suggestions?
Antique Glass
10x8 acrylics on canvas done last Monday from one of my antique store
photos taken in 2011 but never painted. A collection of colored glass was
too tempti...
*Sereni-Tea in Every Cup *watermedia on Upcycled Tea Bag by Meera Rao
There is nothing like reliving the memories of a trip than painting a scene
from t...
Come paint in France with us!
*Jean Pederson and *I will co-instruct a mixed media workshop in Southern
France on Oct. 27-Nov.6. Shopping, excursions to qu...
Organization Hacks for a Fresh Start
Nothing feels better than starting fresh in an organized and clutter-free
home! Whether you’re looking to simplify your space for the new year or
just ne...
painting again - tulips
Trying my hand at painting again after a long time, with these tulips. I
can't get the photo exactly right. But they are as light as the picture
irl. It i...
A watercolor portrait
Portrait, watercolor 11" x 15"
Back to watercolor for an attempt at a portrait from a photo. While the
proportions and features are more or less correct,...
I feel as if this tree knows everything I ever think of when I sit here.
When I come back to it, I never have to remind it of anything; I begin just
New website…
Why did the chickens cross the road? To get to the new website! I have an
announcement…I have a new website going live later this week! This was long
This feed has moved and will be deleted soon. Please update your
subscription now.
The publisher is using a new address for their RSS feed. Please update your
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Negative Painting Daisies for Senior Center Class
I did this as a demo for my senior center watercolor class on negative
painting. It was not my usual way of painting, but there are a number of
The Color, Green: Fun or Frustrating?!
Whenever I get into a discussion about *color*, the perennial favorite
pigment to dislike, or downright hate, is almost always *green*!
It's a mean one, ...
Yellowstone Naional Park
I am enjoying landscape painting so much. It is partly because the Finetec
waterolors that I use. They are so incredibly beautiful....ssooooo
Christmas Gifts & Grateful for Good Health
Check out New Scarves
I am grateful for you, my supporters, my family and my health!!! I hope
you had a great Thanksgiving, just how you wanted it to be...
Here's to New Friends
My husband Michael and I are just home from a cycling vacation in the
Eastern Townships of Quebec Province. On this (supported!) VBT tour, we
collected so...
Clisson, la toscane en france
Petite escapade à Clisson où nous avons pu admirer l'architecture toscane
sous le soleil! des vignes, des ruelles en pentes, des escaliers qui mènent
on ne...
I did this quick demonstration on my latest YouTube channel after showing
how to build a quick table easel with three different heights. I was tired
of u...
Huzoor Palace ll
Huzoor Palace as it is called, is located in Porbandar town in the
state of Gujarat. It was built in the early 20th century by Rana
Natwarsinhji, th...
The Wearing (and painting) of the Green
24" x 30"
oil on canvas
Green is one of those colours that a lot of artists have trouble coming to
grips with. Me included. Maybe it's not s...
Discover the Secrets of Making Money From Your Art
Making money from your art is largely about talent. You will need to
produce art which is beautiful enough or unique enough to be coveted by
others. As wel...
It's Not Just For Guacamole
*It's Not Just for Guacamole*
*watercolor on paper*
*35.5x51cm. *
I hope everyone's New Year is off to a great start!
I started this painting last year ...
30 in 30 in 30- Day 29
Day 29.. no namby pamby watercolor here... Pink Power! I like how the
double dipped brush made a dark center on the far right bloom. I loaded the
brush ...
God Bless America
When tragedy strikes we Americans rise to the challenge. It makes me proud
and grateful to live in this country. I've been asking myself why we can't,
or w...
Roadside Painting
My most favourite way of working is to travel the highways and byways of
France, stopping to paint whenever something catches my eye. Today it was
the wo...
Thank heavens for small miracles
Grace Church Spires, NYC – Watercolor on Arches 300# cold press.
Approximately 18″ x 22″ A number have people have asked where I have been
and expressed t...
I've Moved!
*T*his is just a quick reminder, that I have moved my blog to a new
platform and just in case you didn't realise, I can now be found at:
Dead Soldiers
Watercolor on Yupo with charcoal technique background.
Either do this outdoors or place the paper in a deep utility tub. Randomly
dampen the paper. Sprin...
even more work
* I Dream in Color*
22" x 15"
email for availability
* Orange Crow*
11" x 15"
email for availability
"Great Blue" Finished!
I think I'm finished with this one! Will be entering this and a couple more
of my recent pieces to Eye 4 Art exhibition at the Thames Art Gallery in
East Valley Artists Thursday's demo
Robert Dvorak was the demonstrator at my art club last night. He writes
books and gives workshops and demos concerning travel drawing and
painting. He's ...
I finally completed another painting. This is a 10x20 inch watercolor
painted on a gallery wrap watercolor paper "canvas" and sealed with Dorland
Wax. ...
Summer sketching..
Its summer time in Pune, india, very hot to actually sit outdoors and
paint.I prefer to do quick sketches instead.These are sketches done in 5
minutes eac...
Made a big decision this year to only paint Norfolk coastal scenes as well
as my love of flowers, so here are my first three efforts .
Top one based o...
This Blog has been moved to PaperPaintings.com where you can sign up to
receive the RSS Feed. I invite you to continue to follow along on my new
Word Pre...
We no longer see the one who teaches us
Musician, play this moment's music as grace
for those who block our road, grace for
bandits! Musician, you learned this from
a true bandit. I hear the te...
Perfect Partners
Going through my reference photos for the millionth time, a photo I took at
Longleat House caught my eye. I don't know why something that I've
previously ...
We've Moved!
*A Painter's Year* has moved to my new site! Now all of my blogs and
galleries, news and information are under one roof at the new
www.susanabbott.com. Ple...
*I suddenly saw that all the time it was not I who had been seeking God,*
*but God who had been seeking me.*
*I had made myself the center of my own exist...
Going Now
This blog is now merged, smudged and mixed together with my main blog The
Red Shoes . So please transfer any interest and linking and lovely
comments that...