Hope is itself a species of happiness, and perhaps the chief happiness this world affords.-Samuel Johnson_( click on picture enlarge)
The diagnosis came fast and furious,who would have thought that bloating and gas were symptoms of Ovarian Cancer. Pathetic actually ,that there is no early detection for this dreadful disease. Could this be a women thing....hmmmm. Surely there is more that can be done.
http://www.ovariancancer.org/ This is a great site. It is full of information about Ovarian Cancer and how we can help.
My friend is a fighter, aren't you Sharon. She is that one in a million type of person who puts the needs of people she loves before her own. Selfless and strong. Not much of a complainer. I have to think I would be a total wreck going through all that she has.Not her, she is working through this ,a day at a time, with intelligence,grace ,humor,and strength. Chemo is every three weeks, for now, and a tribute to her and her family, they are wonderful, we actually laugh our way through it. It's not unusual for the nurses to come in and want to join in on the fun. Isn't that incredible? I think so , but that's just how wonderful my friend is. This fall I plan on selling Cards for a Cure. All of the money will go to Ovarian Cancer research. I am hoping to complete this in a few weeks.
Sharon and I have been close friends for so many years that we often refer to one another as sisters. (not trans-sisters though)
Antony ,of Antony and the Johnsons ,is a tortured soul but has one hell of a vibrato. He sounds like a cross between Brian Ferry and Tiny Tim. Have a listen and see what you think. ( see the above site) . ************
http://www.ovariancancer.org/ This is a great site. It is full of information about Ovarian Cancer and how we can help.
My friend is a fighter, aren't you Sharon. She is that one in a million type of person who puts the needs of people she loves before her own. Selfless and strong. Not much of a complainer. I have to think I would be a total wreck going through all that she has.Not her, she is working through this ,a day at a time, with intelligence,grace ,humor,and strength. Chemo is every three weeks, for now, and a tribute to her and her family, they are wonderful, we actually laugh our way through it. It's not unusual for the nurses to come in and want to join in on the fun. Isn't that incredible? I think so , but that's just how wonderful my friend is. This fall I plan on selling Cards for a Cure. All of the money will go to Ovarian Cancer research. I am hoping to complete this in a few weeks.
Sharon and I have been close friends for so many years that we often refer to one another as sisters. (not trans-sisters though)
Antony ,of Antony and the Johnsons ,is a tortured soul but has one hell of a vibrato. He sounds like a cross between Brian Ferry and Tiny Tim. Have a listen and see what you think. ( see the above site) . ************
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( I really had a difficult time with this post. The photo of the picture is sloppy and you have to scroll a looooong way to the comment... sorry.)
( I really had a difficult time with this post. The photo of the picture is sloppy and you have to scroll a looooong way to the comment... sorry.)