I didn't draw this flower it started out with a yellow wash. Then each morning i would add more color and detail. I used a photo as of sunflowers as my study but the colors directed my every impulse.
It was really exciting to look in on the painting each morning and add a paint here and there. An art fix for the day before work.
So it was a true work in progress! Incredible to think you started out with yellow, it is the most colorful and happy sunflower I have ever seen. Great work Cathy
Love it!
I like how you painted this from intuition every morning. Great way to start a day!
I love the slo mo explosion of color, Cathy.
fantastic cathy !
Thats such a great idea! IT's like a diary painting! And it looks so stunning! wow!
Hi there! I had to change my blog and lost all my followers. I would love to have you back
i was free wing watercolour, now im
I have enjoyed your beautiful watercolours for sometime now, thanks for sharing!
Very beautiful! such a fantastic colors!
Very energetic and vibrant!! :0D
I love how you use color. This is beautiful and rich.
Beautiful color, Cathy--as always, jewel-like. And that green in the center is amazingly gorgeous!
You and your impulsive self is what makes your work so interesting and vigorous. Love the technique of adding a little colour each morning to this one. I would never be so controlled - see you have two opposite sides to your personality after all and it makes a great combination Cathy. Glad you will find more time to paint during summer hols. Can't wait to see what you achieve during your R&R period.
Really beautiful and unorthodox sunflower. Very inspiring!
Love,love,love it.
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